Residential Drug Sweep Services
Are you concerned that your children may be using drugs? Hiding alcoholic beverages? Are there friends hiding drugs in your garage? What about firearms?
We know that every child is exposed to these contraband items on an all-to-frequent basis both at schools and at other activities away from home. Children feel safe at home, and if these activities are occurring, they usually will have contraband hidden in the house, or in their vehicle.
Ensuring a contraband-free environment is not as difficult as one would think. However, our program offers you the ability to recognize, understand, and evaluate your home safety risks. Our inspections are unexpected and unannounced to the child and can be randomly scheduled by you or done on a regular basis. Peace of mind is important in today’s society. We help by providing insight, advice, and guidance when facing the risks that adolescent children, whether yours or others, bring to a home.
We often wonder if questioning our child’s honesty or subjecting them to a drug test will diminish their ability or desire to resist peer pressure and impulse. Yes, as parents we should be involved in teaching and raising our children and instilling them with skills to resist all of the negative influences that they are continually bombarded with. Though we also understand that we cannot be continually looking over their shoulder, we can come to your home and offer you peace of mind with minimal, if any, noticeable impact on our child.
Please contact our staff to discuss your options. All information is strictly confidential.