Train in the conduction of highway and rural drug interdiction stops, and preparation of your case for successful prosecution. The law enforcement officer that is assigned to general patrol is the first line of defense against domestic drug transportation. Most think that the drug interdiction should be left to K9 handlers and narcotics detectives, but the best method to intercept illicit drugs and contraband is trained patrol officers. Our instructors will adapt their curriculum to the geographical area you work, as well as the current trends in your area.
Our instructors are both current police officers assigned to a drug interdiction unit. Sgt. Dauberman and Detective Turner have over 20 years combined experience. In that experience, they have served on specialized units that resulted in numerous search warrants, and now serve on a highway interdiction unit.
Course Objectives
- Determine if an investigation should and can continue after a traffic stop
- Utilize documented traffic stop information in such a way that it can be used in court to justify related investigations
- Identify indicators of suspicious behavior, deceptive statements and actions, and suspicious nonverbal indicators
- Identify the most favorable locations to conduct an interview, and know the procedures for separating the occupants prior to the interview
- Identify potential hidden compartments in cars, trucks and commercial vehicles for containing contraband or currency and techniques for determining such.
- Utilize highway interdiction techniques to ensure the safety of officers, drivers and passengers.
We offer a 1 day course, and a 3 day course. We also offer a custom course that combines classroom study, as well as the instructor riding with your officer for hands on instruction. Please feel free to contact us for more details.